Debbie Debono has left a review:
I highly recommend Global Fitness Institute. This was seriously the best decision l made.
The teaching, the content & the value these courses bring is absolutely worth it all the while completely preparing you for the industry. Delivery of the material was great & engaging Very comprehensive teaching & great support system in place.
I found the course provider Michael Muleta to be extremely friendly & Knowledgeable. Michael was so well informed & inspiring not to mention efficient in his work load. I couldn't have chosen a better course provider.
I would like to thank you for the tremendous support which you have given me during my study for Certificate lll in Fitness
l really appreciate how you were very helpful, without your assistance l wouldn't have been able to grasp & complete my modules.
Definitely one of the leading provider's out there.
- Debbie Debono, Fitness Graduate
- Group Fitness Instructor, Derrimut 24/7 Gym