Double Diploma of Sport
(Coaching & Development)
Our unique SIS50321 Double Diploma of Sport (Coaching & Development) gives you amazing bang for your buck.
You will graduate with both a Diploma of Sport (Coaching) & a Diploma of Sport (Development)
With both Diploma of Sport courses having several common units, you gain a double diploma, without needing to do double the work, take double the amount of time or pay double the price.
Being armed with a Double Diploma in both coaching and sports development, gives you a big jumps start on competitors vying for the many advertised jobs in the sports industry – See our Sports Jobs Board
The order of delivery is:
- All Diploma of Sport Core Units
- Sports Coaching Units
- Sports Development Units
Double Diploma of Sport Units Include:
BSBOPS504 Manage Business risk
HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people
HLTAID011 Provide first aid
SISSSCO003 Meet participant coaching needs
SISSSCO004 Plan, conduct and review coaching programs
SISSSCO007 Apply sport psychology principles
SISSSCO008 Apply anti-doping policies
SISSSCO011 Manage integrity in sport
SISXCAI008 Plan, conduct and review training and recovery programs
SISXCAI005 Conduct individualised long-term training programs
SISSSCO010 Implement sport talent identification programs
SISXIND001 Work effectively in sport, fitness & recreation environments
SISXCCS001 Provide quality service
BSBTWK503 Manage meetings
SISXFIN001 Develop and review budgets for activities or projects
SISXIND008 Manage legal compliance in sport and recreation
SISXMGT001 Develop and maintain stakeholder relationships
SITXMGT003 Manage projects
BSBMKG541 Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities
Graduates from Global Fitness Institute’s Diploma of Sport (Coaching) will possess the appropriate, industry qualifications to work as a coach. You can also customise assessments to any sport, as per your preference.
As a sports coach or instructor you’ll train people up in a particular sport, and/or lead group fitness sessions. You might work with children or adults of any level, and might be employed by a sports club, charity, community group, gym, sports governing body or school.
More than ever before, exercise professionals are able to plan and extend their career through delivering a range of services in a variety of settings, to a larger proportion of the community.
The Diploma of Sport (Development) is great for those who love sport but want to act in a non-playing role. With this course you will arm yourself with skills including planning and development, administration, team management, event organisation and more.
Our Global Fitness Institute Jobs Board will assist you get a head start on your new career, by to identifying great employment opportunities in the Sports, Recreation, Health or Fitness Industries.